Friday, September 29, 2006

Just the two of us

Daddy is off on a fun trip to Pennsylvania to see an old college friend get married. So it is just me and Charis for a couple days and I am going to try and blog.
Josh left yesterday (after his flight was delayed five hours) and Charis and I went to Nanna and Opoo's house (The Ferrells). I had a yummy dinner, and she had lots of lovings from Auntie Crystal and Uncle Jordan. She did not sleep that well last night. Right when I thought she would finally nod off she wanted to eat again (about 1:00 am) and then fed every four hours, so not much sleep for mommy. Oh, and she spit up an entire feeding last night. I know people say that it really isn't that much, but we were both covered - kinda gross. And in the middle of the night when I was changing her she decided to pee all over the changing table and her clothes. So yes, I had to change her outfit twice last night.
This morning was time for another bath and I decided to take her in the shower with me. It took lots of prep and organization, but who is better at that than me. Looked like she liked it better than a regular bath - probably because of the body heat. And miracles of miracles, I did not drop her!
That's about it. Not tons to do today. We are going to Grandma and Grandpa's house tonight (The Huffs), so that will be a nice excursion. Then daddy will be home tomorrow. We miss him a lot.
Have a good day all.

Having fun with Daddy

An attempt at a family picture


Anonymous said...

I am absolutely loving that you dad,aka Mr. Rich, is named Opoo! That's so him.

Anonymous said...

My dad came up with the name Opoo because he figures his grandkids will look at him and say, "Opoo" (for "Old Poop"). We aren't going to tell any of the grandkids what it means until they are much older. Can you imagine their response?! :)

Anonymous said...

I want to come up with an amazingly fake diffinition in German for the name "Opoo". Something like...."Granfather of Many.." Or...."Grandfather of Shinning Magnificence"

And then watch the looks on our children's faces when the truth is revealed.....

So much fun...

Anonymous said...

I am totaly digging her little frog footies..

I love Charis so much!

P.S. Thanks for writting about Jordan and Me. I feel ....kinda ....famous! That's the word I'm looking for!

...It's because I am... ;)

Anonymous said...

thanks for blogging honey. I love you and will see you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I wish I were mentioned in a blog!! Oh well, I guess it will have to wait til next weekend for applepicking! I am loving the froggies also! She is adorable! And that would be amazing if we gave "Opoo" a fake meaning... I am looking forward to the grandkids' faces when they figure that one out!!


Jake Tipton said...

hey man. good to see you while you were here at school. you'll find my blog through this so whenever you get a good size order for those shirts let me know and i can give you address info and stuff like that for me. have a safe trip back home man!


the Zepeda family said...

Hey Josh. We love the pics you've posted of your lovely daughter. We're happy for you all. We're going to be in St. Charles over Thanksgiving time. Would you guys like to chill with Me, Rebekah and lil' Gabriella? Maybe we can bust out the BBC glasses in Illinois too.

graceling said...

Yea for Moriah, Baby Shower Blogger Momma extrordinaire! (is that how that word is spelled? It should be, even if it isn't.) I know how difficult it can be to take a baby in the shower, so I say a hearty "Well Done!" for not dropping her!

When can I get some Charis love?

I miss you guys, and every time you write about your parents, I miss them too! I vote for Opoo meaning "My quiver overfloweth" or something.

Also, Josh is flying from PA to Chicago as Abigail is flying from Chicago to PA. How cool is that?! (Okay, not all that great for most, but cool for me:)

graceling said...

Update please! I am going thru Charis withdrawl.