Thursday, November 08, 2007

Movin' Right Along

Life has settled down a little bit. I feel like it is the calm before the storm of fall and winter events and the Christmas season ever approaches. There are so many things to right about, so I will just focus on two of them, my family, and my family.

My family has been awesome lately. It seems like every time Charis opens her little mouth, cute and adorable things come out (except when she threw up for like 10 minutes all over me multiple times the other night... sometime later for that story perhaps). Now that she is walking, it is strange to see such a little person toddling around the house, exploring the wonders of things like hinges, drawers, and of course, the exciting computer keyboard. Each little thing that we as adults just take for granted it a new wonder for this little one. And, just when I think Charis is done exploring the world, I have Selah to look forward to in just a few months. My family is great.

My extended family is also wonderful. I haven't seen either of my brothers for several months. One has been away in PA at college, the other in Uganda for 6 months. The will both be coming home on Nov. 20 for Thanksgiving. I am so excited to see these two men again and to download what God has been doing in each of our very different lives. There is nothing quite like a close brother to share feelings and ideas with. Needless to day, I am very much looking forward to it.

With that said, we recently had some pictures done for our family, so I will leave you with those. Ya know, sometimes it's just great being a Huff.

My Two Special Girls

The Huffs

We had no idea we were swinging her that high

Too cute for words

Touchdown Bears!! (I hope)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Reformation Day

Happy Reformation Day everyone!! I can't believe it has been 490 years already. The Doctrines of Grace and the Solas have certainly come a long way since then. I feel so endebted to the men of the reformation for what I even know and am passionate about today.

For most of you out there, today is Halloween. But for believers, today holds a special historical meaning. Here's a little history of the day in case you are in the dark.

November 1st is "All Saints Day" on the Roman Catholic calendar. It was (and is still) one of the most sacred Holy-Days (Holidays) of the church. They believed that the day before All Saints Day, All-Hallows Eve (Halloween), was a day of incredible mischief by demons who would try and attack those who were about to celebrate All Saints Day. The people would therefore wear costumes to avoid being recognized by these evil spirits. This would ensure their safety as they prepared to go to church the next day.

On All-Hallows Eve, October 31st, 1517, a professor from the college in Wittenburg by the name of Martin Luther, nailed 95 thesis ( ), or thoughts, to the front door of the church. This location would assure that everyone in town would see them as most people would be at church early the next morning. These thesis spoke to many issues the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) had erred on. Things like indulgences, Papal authority, and works based salvation. These 95 thesis started a whirlwind of controversy and were eventually called heresy by the RCC.

Despite this condemnation, the word spread like crazy and the Protestant Reformation was born. Inspired by his stand against the established church, men like Calvin, Knox, and Huss preached the essential doctrines of the Solas (Scripture Alone, Christ Alone, Grace Alone, Faith Alone, and the Glory of God Alone) and called for reform in the church. We have them to thank for the Biblically centered faith the Protestant faith enjoys today. The reformed tradition still holds the Solas as the central truths of scripture.

That is why I celebrate Reformation Day every October 31st. Thank God for men who stand on God's Word as their sole authority and point the rest of us to Christ, by grace, through faith, to the glory of God alone.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Selah Eden Huff

Well, the results are in and another girl is on the way for the Huff's. I am so excited to have another little angel in the house. There is something about having girls that makes a father feel very protective and needed as that protector. The doctor said she looks really good and everything is perfectly on schedule for the mid-March delivery.

However, there are a few things I'm not looking forward to:
-Two teenage girls in the house at the same time
-Two weddings to pay for
-No one to carry on the Huff family name
-All the women of the house being on the same cycle
-Watching 300 alone for the rest of my life
-Romantic Comedies and chick flicks

But, overall, I would say I'm really pumped about having another girl. Maybe she'll be an excellent female drummer in a worship band or be a missionary to Brazil or marry a great husband. Wherever God leads little Selah and Charis, I know He will be faithful. Our prayers are with our two beautiful daughters. Later...

Monday, September 17, 2007

LA and first steps

Our Vacation has been great so far. Charis has been a super kid and a real trooper. She hasn't adjusted at all to the new time zone, so we have been waking up at 6:15 each day, which isn't too bad because we haven't totally adjusted either. San Diego was great and we actually saw tons of wild animals at the Wild Animal Park in San Diego. There will be more to come about that later. Today we are in LA, visiting friends from of old. Charis is liking it here, and there must be something in the air or the water, because she has had tons of energy without very much sleep. She even started walking on her own today. She is walking all over the place now and sometimes just standing and looking around. I hope you enjoy the videos of the first steps below.

Today we also stopped at Grace Community Church, and Charis enjoyed preaching from behind John MacArthur's pulpit. I hope he doesn't find out that she's Amill (inside joke). LA was just like we remembered it, dirty and huge, but the traffic wasn't too bad.

Tomorrow we are off to Santa Cruz and the beach. We're having a great time, but miss you all at home. The cities are nice here, but nothing compares to Chicago and the beautiful lakefront skyline. More to come later...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Recovering and Ready to Go

Wow, what a week. I am thankful to say that I survived the lock-in at our church over the weekend. It was brutal staying up all night, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The events kept my attention, and between Sardines, water-balloon fights, midnight worship, and the classic Robin Hood cartoon, the evening passed pretty quickly. I think I was most pleased with the time of worship we had at around 2 am. We gathered in the sanctuary and the students requested songs from the past two years of youth group meetings. We sang together for almost an hour and there were still hands up to request more songs. We ended up adding another time for singing at 6 am that morning, and it was a sweet time to just sing and rejoice in the Lord, even in the midst of our fatigue.

Overall, I am very pleased with where our youth group is spiritually. They requested songs like In Christ Alone, and Dear Refuge of my Weary Soul and really sang them. Those are not easy songs to understand, even for adults, yet our students cherish the lyrics and the tunes. The students have also initiated a weekly discussion group where they talk about the recent sermon from Sunday or what they've been studying personally from scripture. One of our leaders hosts this, but the students are the ones initiating and executing this every week. There is also a growing number of students in discipleship groups. I am so thankful that God is working in the hearts of these students. It isn't just emotional hype and good times when we gather, it is actual mental and spiritual growth godliness. Praise God for His faithfulness.

Well, I leave for my final vacation of the year on Friday. We'll be heading our to the West coast to see my parent's families. That means San Diego, LA, and San Francisco all in one week. I'm looking forward to it, not only because I haven't been out to CA in a long time, but because this is my first time out there with Moriah and Charis. Neither of them have been out to the Pacific. I'm sure Charis will be drowned in love from both sides of the family. I'll make sure to post some pics from the trip. Until then, adios...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Trivial and Not So Trivial

Well, August is almost finished, and I think it is about time I weighed in on a few issues that have come up over the past few weeks. I will first be discussing the trivial (Cubs), and moving to the not so trivial (Pastor Paul's preaching), and finishing with a few thoughts on the weather.

First of all, I had a chance to see the Cubs play last night with my dad. It was his birthday present to me and I have to say, I had a blast. Granted it was very hot (about 95 with no wind) and there was a rather large Boston Red Sox fan scrunched against me, and the Cubbies were losing going into the 7th inning, but it turned out great. They managed to rally back and took the game 5 to 3. They held onto their 2 game lead for first with two more to go against the Brewers. It was great to think of the heritage of that old ball park. Over a hundred years worth of fans have passed through those seats. Dad told be about his grandpa, how he would come to as many games as possible from the 30s to the 60s, smoking his cigar and cheering on his team. I hope our little girl can have those kind of good memories from her grandparents. All in all, it was a great time with some long lasting memories. Now, onto the not so trivial.

Over the past year, and especially over the past few months since Paul started his sermons on Galatians, I have heard a lot of talk about his sermons. Some of these comments are good, but many are critical, saying things like, "I feel beat up" or "Why does he emphasize sin so much?". I believe these comments come from a consumer saturated congregation. Let me explain what I mean.

Our culture has programmed us to have certain expectations going into every situation. We go into a comedic movie expecting to feel happy at the end. We read a certain type of book or listen to music expecting a certain emotional reaction. When we listen to radio like K-love :"Positive and Encouraging" or listen to messages on Moody, we generally feel encouraged and somewhat good about ourselves. There is nothing wrong with this as a lot of scripture is encouraging. However, the danger comes when we come to expect all of preaching to make us feel like K-love or Joel Osteen. When we hear a message and don't feel "Positive and Encouraged", we think that the preacher is being too negative and needs to lighten up. Perhaps it is the Holy Spirit convicting us of our sin through the preacher, and we just don't want to deal with it.

That, I think, is why people are reacting negatively to Paul's preaching. He preaches the Word. If you have read the beginning of Galatians, it isn't a bed of roses. There are many challenges to genuine faith and not mixing it with our own sinful ideas about justification. When that conviction comes to our own hearts, we are not used to it. We approach church hoping to feel better when we leave than when we came. If that doesn't happen, perhaps we need to adjust our mindset. My father very wisely said, "When you come to church, don't come looking to analyze the preaching and the preacher. Come with a heart that says, 'What does God have for me to learn about Him and myself today?' Then you will be free to worship God for the whole service." If more of our congregates had that mindset, I think a fresh wave of humility and fruitfulness would characterize us and God would be pleased with our hearts. So, I say, keep up the preaching Paul. I would rather be warned of my sinful heart than coddled by a preacher that echoes the sympathies of the world.

Lastly, I have been amazed by God's strength poured out in the weather of the past week. Huge trees have been uprooted, rivers have swelled, and houses have been flooded. It is so amazing that God has guided every little droplet of water to its final destination, just as He guides each of our decisions, even the small and tiny ones (Prov. 21:1). What a great and sovereign God we serve.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Number two is on the way

Well, practice makes perfect, as they say, and number two is finally on the way. Yes, that is a positive pregnancy test (with the cap on of course) in Charis's little mouth. We are very excited. We've known for several weeks now, but God in his providence ordained this time to reveal it to the watching world. You'll have to read Moriah's blog ( for more info on that. We're calling this little one "Colby" for now. It's derived from a combination of Caleb and Sophia (our original names for the next child) which makes the word Caso or Queso of you are spanish. Queso is spanish for cheese, and we thought colby cheese tasted pretty good. But since then we've changed the names to either Micaiah or Selah, which make either Mise or Semi, neither of which sounded cooler than Colby, so Colby is it for now, until we know the gender 15 weeks from now.

God has been so good in changing our hearts to come to love this little one. We're already praying that God will redeem Colby's little sinful heart and that He will continue to bless our family. Colby should be arriving sometime in March of 2008, about 18 months after Charis. More info to come later. Adios muchachos

Friday, July 13, 2007

So good

Well, we did finally see the movie, and I have to say it was worth the wait. I was very pleased with how it was filmed, the acting, the music, it all was very good. There is now a Harry Potter movie I can say I enjoy watching, unlike the previous four. More to come later...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Idol of Harry Potter

My plans for last night were great. I was going to hang out at the in-laws for a bit before heading off to see the Harry Potter film at the midnight showing. We arrived there 1:30 early and were already way back in the line. However, as God would have it, we were the first ones into our particular theater. After we got in we began the arduous process of waiting that last hour in our seats. It went by reasonably fast, with good conversation and a deck of cards to pass the time. However, when it was after midnight with no movie, we began to get a little antsy.

But, as expected, the movie started... then it stopped. A minute into the second movie trailer, the picture died and the lights came up. We proceeded to sit there, wondering what was going on, for the next 40 minutes. At about 12:45 am, the manager came in and told us that there was a problem (duh), and it should be resolved in the next 15 minutes. By then we were considering leaving, but we figured that 15 minutes wasn't that bad considering we had been there for almost 3 hrs already.

Well, the 15 minutes came and went. At around 1:10am, they said they were going to give it another try. The preview came back on with the picture split neatly in two horizontally. 10 seconds into that, the manager stopped the film and told us that the show would be cancelled. She said that they would sign our stubs so we could come back and see it some other time.

As all of this sunk in, I was amazed at the responses of people around me, even believers. Most of the people in the theater were visibly upset, yelling at the manager, complaining loudly to other movie-goers. I have to admit, I was frustrated, but it was only a movie. Granted, I was anticipating this movie more than others I had wanted to see, but was it worth getting so upset over?

C.J. Mahaney in his message from New Attitude told us that we can tell if something is an idol based on how we react if we don't receive it or if it is taken away. Let me tell you, many idolaters, including myself, were revealed because of our reaction when this movie was taken away from. It is amazing what God chooses to use to reveal areas of sin to us. Harry Potter mania is a great distraction from so many other good things. It has its place and I am still looking forward to seeing the movie (hopefully) tonight and reading book 7 later this month, but I can't place so much emphasis on it that it causes me to worry or get angry.

I hope the rest of you out there who stayed up late enjoyed the show, just remember that an idol can be a great thing God has given us to enjoy, but is wanted too much. Don't be satisfied with movies and books. They only last so long.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Camp, Future Grace, and Harry Potter

I know it has been forever since I've updated my blog, however, I hope you've been keeping up with the family blog at . God has been so good over the past few weeks. I have been greatly challenged in some areas of my life and convicted in others. Here is one of the highlights.

At summer camp this past month I was confronted with a nagging tendency of my heart to always want to be in control. Many things happened throughout the week which tried my patience and threw my plans for a loop. It took a little while, but eventually I rejoiced in what God was teaching me through these little trials. He has been so faithful to conform me to the image of His Son in whatever way He sees fit, and I trust He will continue.

Speaking of continuing and looking to the future, I have had the privilege of teaching through Piper's book, Future Grace in our Sunday School this summer. I has been great refreshing my mind with truths about the Debtor's Ethic, Anxiety, Free Grace, and Pride which Piper hits on in the first few sections of his book. The students seem to be grasping the concepts well and I hope their minds will begin to change with the new perspectives Piper is introducing to us. I am continually amazed at the way God uses simple men to impact the world. I hope all of our prayers is that God will be able to spread His Kingdom more through us simple creatures.

Well, that's about it for now. I'll try to update a little more often now that the craziness of camp is over.

One more little nugget of joy. Moriah and I are very much looking forward to our movie tonight. Yes, we are going to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. We've been looking at previews and are hoping for a great time. It will be a little sad to be away from our cute baby, but date nights are always fun, especially when Harry is involved. Talk at ya later...

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

To God Be the Glory, thoughts on Na

Wow! What a weekend. I can't believe I received so much in so little time. There are so many precious memories from the past few days that I'm sure I'll be writing. CJ challenged us in the last session to pick one thing that impacted us to put into practice right away, so here is my main application.

John Piper spoke to us about God's main pleasure, Himself, and a pen-ultimate pleasure, our obedience. One statement that really stood out to me was, "Don't waste your life making yourself look good. Spend your life making God look good." Piper said we needed to be a telescope that others could look through to see a huge God in terms they could understand. We need to make the huge God knowable through our actions. Instead, we typically act as a microscope, make our insignificance look big. I was convicted of making myself bigger than I ought and taking away from the glory I should be reflecting to God. Needless to say, I will not look at my motives behind leading worship and serving our great God the same. If you want to hear the very impactful messages, they are free online from . Just click on the big picture of John Piper on the homepage.

I hope I revel in God's mercies anew because of this weekend. I trust God will continue to work His will in my broken vessel. I have to say, it was an awesome experience to sing Amazing Grace and Holy, Holy, Holy with 3,000 other deep thinking, like-minded individuals. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Bob Kaughlin and his sons Devon (lead guitar/ vocals) and Jordan (on drums) leading us in worship

Friday, May 25, 2007

New Atittude, Here I Come

Well, the New Attitude conference is finally here. This weekend I'll be hearing from the likes of John Piper, Mark Dever, C.J. Mahaney, and Josh Harris, not to mentions being led in worship by Bob Kaughlin, men that I admire and respect for their gospel work. I am praying that God will use His word to challenge my heart. Sometimes I feel as if I'm in a rut of doing the same thing every week in ministry, and my times with God can feel the same way. I trust God will do His good work in my life through this weekend.

On a side note, I'm gonna really miss Moriah and Charis. This is the longest time we'll be apart since Charis was born, and they have really grown on me. I trust God will do great things in both our lives during this time, and it will be a sweet reunion when I return. To God be all the glory.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Behind a Frowning Providence, God Hides a Smiling Face

I am in the midst of preparing a few lessons on the book of Ruth. As I read through this great story, I feel overwhelmed with trust in God's sovereignty. Knowing the end of the book, I can trace God's hand as it moves Ruth and Naomi through dark storms into the bright sunlight of His grace. I don't understand how people can read Ruth and not see God's hand each step of the way. To deny God's sovereignty over dark providences empowers created beings over the Creator.

As I study, the teaching of Dr. Art Azurdia have been very helpful.

His insights on God's providence and the ultimate hero of the book of Ruth (Christ) have been very refreshing to hear. The more I read of the scriptures, the more I see that they are all about Christ. Here is a quote from Azurdia about looking backwards to truly see clearly looking forwards. Regarding Ruth he says:

"At times beloved, the only way to interpret God's providence for your life is to begin at the end of the story... We know how this story ends. We know, going in, the glorious intention of God: Boaz will become a redeemer for Ruth. Ruth and Boaz will supply a redeemer for Naomi. The covenant nation will be given her greatest king and a nearly extinct family in Israel will be continued to ultimately issue forth the Savior of the human race, Jesus Christ."

Each step of the story is a piece of the puzzle of the revelation of Christ.

On a personal note, God is treating us well, much better than we deserve. Charis is growing like a weed and is a joy to see. Her smile chases away the most stressful of days. We had a great Mother's Day. I'm glad we can set aside time to honor our mothers, but it just doesn't seem like enough sometimes. It has been great to live with a mom and see her grow in that capacity. Moriah is great and I couldn't ask for more of her. She constantly amazes me.

Anyhoo, that's it for now.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Filling some Big Shoes

My roller coaster weekend is finally finished. My dad has been out of town, and I have had the priviledge of filling his shoes for the past weekend. This included teaching in our men's bible study on the Sovereignty of God over election and salvation and leading worship in our main services morning and evening. It was a long weekend and took a lot of energy, but before I pat myself on the back too much for getting it all done, I have to remember that this is what my dad does every week of his ministry here, and he does an excellent job. Ministry is a blessing for my dad, and even with the expanded work load he has had with the loss of a few pastors over the years, he takes it all in stride and continues to do his work heartily, as to the Lord, rather than men. He's a great example and I hope to be more like him as I pursue my ministry.

I was very pleased particularly with the discussion on God's sovereignty during the men's Bible study. There was no debate for the purpose of arguing, just good discussion about man's inability to effect his own salvation and God's ultimate control over all things. There was a bit of discussion over the difference between foreknowledge and foreordination, but I think Jonathan Edwards puts that debate to rest with this great quote:

"Whether God has decreed all things that ever come to pass or not, all that own the being of a God, own that He knows all things beforehand. Now, it is self-evident that if He knows all things beforehand, He either doth approve of them or doth not approve of them; that is, He either is willing they should be, or He is not willing they should be. But to will that they should be is to decree them."

The very fact that things happen testifies to God's decreed will over all matters. And in that truth I trust He will continue to give me grace as I pursue ministry. God is good, gracious, and truly holy, holy, holy.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Christ, the Cubs, and Conversion

Well, I was encouraged to blog more by my brother, so I will do my best. As I sit here listening to the Cubs, I can't help but smile at the blessings God has poured out, particularly through my church. The Cubs seem to disappoint without fail as often as I am encouraged by Christ and the church. God has been so good recently and has encouraged me with several good books. I am currently reading through Mark Dever's 9 Marks of a Healthy Church and just finished my papers on Conversion and Evangelism. Here is an excerpt:

"Perhaps the shelter of their family or the comfort of a nice church culture has lulled [youth] into a sense of peace about their own eternal state when there should be no peace at all. All I have to go on is the fruit I see. This makes it difficult to really get to the hearts of students. Many of them appear to be genuine and do all the right things. I am grateful for the impact the Lord has allowed me to have on their lives, but my goal has to be confirming in their hearts what true conversion is. The more they understand, the more they will be able to tell if they are truly converted. Beyond that, I can do nothing but pray and trust the Lord to work through His gospel."

God has challenged my heart to not focus so much on results but to focus on getting the gospel right and let Him do the rest.

Other than that, things are moving right along. As usual, I haven't found a speaker for summer camp yet. My list is down to Josh Harris and C.J. Mahaney, but we'll see who God brings. I'm looking forward to the New Attitude conference in May. The lineup of speakers looks challenging and I hopeful as to what God will do in my life and in the lives of the students that are coming with me. The big things this week are teaching on God's sovereignty in Men's Bible study on Saturday and leading worship for the main services on Sunday. I'm pumped about both of those opportunities. That's it for now...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Musings on Being an Uncle

So, if you haven't heard yet, I am getting either a neice or a nephew from my brother and sister in law (that's Jordan and Crystal ( if you are a little slow today). I wonder if it's going to be harder being an uncle or a dad. I think the uncle is the cool person in a child's life. They take them to baseball games and slip them money and candy when parent's aren't looking. It's expected of them to be fun and cool. That's a lot to live up to. What if I'm not cool? What if I don't have candy or my cell phone is out of minutes when they ask? Can I ever recover from something like that? I'll just have to wait and see. I'll take being just a regular dad over the pressure of being an uncle any day. But I think I will still enjoy both.

In other news, I am really excited about Oasis tonight. It's been a busy day, but I'm pumped about worshipping God and the music we have for evening is excellent. Grace Unmeasured from sovereign grace is a great song and it expresses the gospel so clearly. Paul is speaking tonight on Discipleship and it should be a good challenge from God's word.

I'll leave you with a great quote from Charles Bridges, The Christian Ministry:

"In directing the ignorant in the way of heaven- in awakening the careless and insensible- in subduing the rebellious- in dealing with the entanglements of tempted consciences- how inefficient would be all the force of philosophical or historical illustration! One simple declaration of the Gospel, on the other hand, would, with the Lord's blessing, remove darkness, melt away stubbornness, and bring in all the consolation of heavenly light and peace."

Charles Bridges is a stud.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Back and Ready to Go

It is so nice to be home from vacation. It was such a great time to get away from everything and just relax, but there is a better work that needs to be done here at home. Moriah and I missed everyone and I'm looking forward to Oasis tonight and getting back to all the Bible Studies. I just want to give God all the praise for what He's done in our lives over the past few months. Having a baby around makes us appreciate all the more what God has done for us in our helpless state. We are so thankful for the closing of our house next week, the work that God has provided for us to pay off debt, and the excellent ministry opportunities we both have here at FVBC. Anyhoo, that's all for now. I hope God is doing great things in all of your lives as well. Later...

Friday, March 02, 2007

Off to Florida

Well, I'm off to Florida. I can't say that this vacation isn't needed. To be honest, it will be nice to have some time away for a week to get refreshed and refocused on the right things. I'm hoping to get some good reading done in my Edwards biography as well as in 9 Marks and the Christian Ministry. Musings should be excellent as I work everything out and in.

I will leave you with a few links to occupy your time. You can either click on either the watch or listen link or just download them with a right click. These were the sermons from RC Sproul that impacted me the most from the recent Desiring God Pastor's Conference in MN. The last one especially was impactful because it reminded me of the terrifying prospect of facing God's justice, yet the freedom of being in Christ. Enjoy the listen and I'll see you in a week.

The Holiness of God

The Holiness of Christ

Holiness and Justice

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Winter Camp Wonderings

Winter Camp has come and gone. All the planning and scheduling is finally over and now we get to reap the benefits. It has been so encouraging to see the growth displayed by our students. While we have grown numerically, the spiritual growth has been fantastic. Personally, it has been a struggle to see people leave the church for various reasons. As a person in ministry, you always wonder if you had something to do with it. On the other hand, seeing growth within a ministry is humbling because you know God has used you to accomplish something special.

Right now I'm listening to Worship God Live from sovereign grace. The lyrics are so encouraging because they express an unashamed, Christ-exalting, God-honoring, Calvinistic approach to song writing. The writers take their texts right from historical writings on the Bible as well as directly from the Bible itself and they strive to make God as big as we possibly can with out limited human abilities. That is something lacking in today's CCM music. Lyrics typically come from personal experience or personal testimony about what the Bible means to them. Songs should be grounded in theology, not man-centered, self-help thinking. We need more Luther, Calvin, and Edwards in our songs and less Joel Osteen and Rick Warren.

Here are some lyrics that express what I'm talking about:

You are the Way
by Pat Sczebel
Verse 1
Dead in transgressions and sins, without God without hope in this world
Then the glorious light of Your gospel broke in
The Father stood up from His throne, opened His arms and called out my name
Grace irresistible drew me, opened my eyes to see
You are the way, You are the truth, You are the Life, Jesus
The only way, the only truth, You are my life, Jesus
Verse 2
You are the source of new life, the giver of every good thing
Withholding nothing You lavish Your kindness on me.
You emptied Yourself, became poor, humbled and poured out to death
Now highly exalted above all, Your name alone can save.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Verse 1
To gain a people, a holy bride,
Christ was humbled and left His Father’s side.
He lived and died to honor God alone
and now He sits beside Him at His throne.
From every nation, from every creed
Soon all before Him will bow on bended knee.
For He is King over earth and heav’n
And to that kingdom there will be no end

The wrath of God is satisfied for us
Christ’s sacrifice has proven He is just
The death He died has given us new life
Christ paid the price, now we can be justified

Verse 2
Though we were fallen and dead in sin
He called a people that could not choose Him.
And if He calls we cannot reject,
For with His blood He saved our souls from death
This gift of grace that paid the price for me
Has cleansed my heart and set me free.
In bondage I was chained, a slave to sin.
But now my will is captive, owed to Him

This song encapsulates why I love Christ. That he would choose to die for declared enemies... How can I not be bound to do His will?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

God's Sovereignty over Breakfast Cereals

This past Sunday I had the priviledge of teaching our Sr. High Sunday school about one of my favorite topics, God's sovereignty. We are going through the doctrine of Salvation, and once we got to election, I knew we had to have a better grasp on God's sovereign nature before we went any farthur (In know my spelling is atrocious, sorry...) The discussion began with two table discussion questions. 1. What is God in control of? & 2. Define "free", than answer, Does man have free will? Needless to say, they sparked some great conversation. For those of you struggling with this issue, here's what we came up with.

-God is sovereign over everything, even the breakfast cereal I eat in the morning. Prov. 16:33- "The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision comes from the Lord."

-God ordains everything to happen exactly how it happens, in every detail, big or small, good and evil. (Job 2:10, Amos 3:6, Lam. 3:38, Ps. 115:3)

-Man is still held responsible for his choices, even though God ordains or determines those choices (Rom. 9:19-23)

-Man does not have free will, in the sense that he can do whatever he wants. He is only free to live within the nature God has given him. But even within this truth, God still determines the free choices man makes.

-God doesn't simply allow things to happen. This implies that God is not in complete control and would contradict the above mentioned passages

Well, it was a great discussion. The ultimate conclusion was praise to our God for being in control, yet still holding up responsible for our actions. These seemingly contradictory ideas can only be true together with an almighty God making it so. Praise Him for His sovereign ways. In great contrast to this, we have the Pensacola "Joy Quartet" with their song, "I Give You Freedom" ( ) If you havent' seen it, it's a kick in the pants to a god that isn't so powerful.

On a personal note, things are going really well here in IL. The jobs are great and I love being a dad. I'm sure Moriah has more details on that on her blog ( That's it for now. Later....

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Family is Moving

Hey all, the family blog is moving to, so check us out there!

This blog will remain open and used by Josh, so feel free to check back here for his thoughts. (Charis and I are giving him his blog back.)