Monday, September 18, 2006

Moving right along

It's been over two weeks now, and Charis is doing great. She seems to be falling into a regular routine of eating, being awake, and then sleeping. It has been good for us to know what her cues for feeding are and she is latching on right away. Feedings are taking a lot less time than they were even a few days ago.

I'm a little sick today, so I called off of work and I will be home with the wife and daughter. We are going to be outside a lot, enjoying the weather before it gets too cold the rest of the week. It was great to hang out with both sets of grandparents yesterday. What a blessing to have so much love surrounding our little baby, wherever she goes. I am so glad we are close to family.

As night closes in, Charis is starting to have a rough evening. As I am writing this second half of the blog, she has finally fallen asleep after being awake for almost 7 hours. We think it is too much caffeine for Moriah, but we're not sure. We rely on God more than ever now, and that is a great place to be. I'm going to try and sleep now... night

Her cord has finally fallen out

Alone for some quiet reflection

"What, I have to obey my parents?!"


Anonymous said...

I just love to be able to see how much my beautiful niece is growing! I miss you guys so much and wish I could see all of you as much as everyone else. I can't wait to see you in 2 1/2 weeks! Love you all!


graceling said...

I am loving this kid!

Anonymous said...

Oh My Word, i know I get to see her, but she looks HUGE!!!!!!!!! Josh and Riah, you are truely two of the most blessed people I know.

I just hope that one day Jordan are as blessed as you are now.


Aunty Crystal