Friday, September 08, 2006

Getting a little chubbier

Charis is almost back to birth weight. She came into this world weighing 7lbs. 6oz. A few days later she was down to 6lbs. 9oz. We made a few changes in her feeding and, thanks to our God, the amazing anatomy of a baby, and some great help from Sue Bixby, she is back to 7lbs. 1oz. and climbing. She has gained 5 ounces in the last 2 days. God is so good and Charis is growing big and strong, just like we prayed. Now that she is feeding properly, she is sleeping all the time, which is nice for us because we can catch up on sleep. She has been such a blessing to us. She has already taught us so much about patience and trust in God. Our prayer life has been great since she came into our world, and we hope it continues.

In other news, I have finally gone back to work, leaving Moriah home alone for much of the day. She keeps busy by getting visits from friends and family and I keep busy by working. But, it isn't as fun as being together as a family. Tonight we plan on taking a walk together in the beautiful evening weather we are having. It will be Charis's first trip in the stroller.

Well, the sun is setting, so we better get to our stroll....

Her hands are so tiny

Sue has been such a great help

Charis after eating 2 ounces from mommy...


Anonymous said...

I love being able to see pictures of Charis. She is the most beautiful girl. I love you all so much and I am so glad that she is finally gaining weight. I've been praying for you guys. I love you all so much and can't wait to see you for apple picking when I get to hog that little girl! Give my 8 day old niece kisses from her Aunt T. Love you all!


Anonymous said...

I also love that outfit! Who picked it out?? ;)