Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Reformation Day

Happy Reformation Day everyone!! I can't believe it has been 490 years already. The Doctrines of Grace and the Solas have certainly come a long way since then. I feel so endebted to the men of the reformation for what I even know and am passionate about today.

For most of you out there, today is Halloween. But for believers, today holds a special historical meaning. Here's a little history of the day in case you are in the dark.

November 1st is "All Saints Day" on the Roman Catholic calendar. It was (and is still) one of the most sacred Holy-Days (Holidays) of the church. They believed that the day before All Saints Day, All-Hallows Eve (Halloween), was a day of incredible mischief by demons who would try and attack those who were about to celebrate All Saints Day. The people would therefore wear costumes to avoid being recognized by these evil spirits. This would ensure their safety as they prepared to go to church the next day.

On All-Hallows Eve, October 31st, 1517, a professor from the college in Wittenburg by the name of Martin Luther, nailed 95 thesis ( ), or thoughts, to the front door of the church. This location would assure that everyone in town would see them as most people would be at church early the next morning. These thesis spoke to many issues the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) had erred on. Things like indulgences, Papal authority, and works based salvation. These 95 thesis started a whirlwind of controversy and were eventually called heresy by the RCC.

Despite this condemnation, the word spread like crazy and the Protestant Reformation was born. Inspired by his stand against the established church, men like Calvin, Knox, and Huss preached the essential doctrines of the Solas (Scripture Alone, Christ Alone, Grace Alone, Faith Alone, and the Glory of God Alone) and called for reform in the church. We have them to thank for the Biblically centered faith the Protestant faith enjoys today. The reformed tradition still holds the Solas as the central truths of scripture.

That is why I celebrate Reformation Day every October 31st. Thank God for men who stand on God's Word as their sole authority and point the rest of us to Christ, by grace, through faith, to the glory of God alone.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Selah Eden Huff

Well, the results are in and another girl is on the way for the Huff's. I am so excited to have another little angel in the house. There is something about having girls that makes a father feel very protective and needed as that protector. The doctor said she looks really good and everything is perfectly on schedule for the mid-March delivery.

However, there are a few things I'm not looking forward to:
-Two teenage girls in the house at the same time
-Two weddings to pay for
-No one to carry on the Huff family name
-All the women of the house being on the same cycle
-Watching 300 alone for the rest of my life
-Romantic Comedies and chick flicks

But, overall, I would say I'm really pumped about having another girl. Maybe she'll be an excellent female drummer in a worship band or be a missionary to Brazil or marry a great husband. Wherever God leads little Selah and Charis, I know He will be faithful. Our prayers are with our two beautiful daughters. Later...