Thursday, September 14, 2006

Doing push-ups

Charis is getting so huge. It seems like just yesterday she was swimming in all of her clothes, and now her arms and legs stretch them all the way out. She's already filling out most of her 0-3 months clothes. I knew that she would grow fast, but this is ridiculous. It's a good thing she is so cute.

She has been doing really well this week. She is eating a ton and sleeping a lot. It hasn't been as much of a struggle getting her to feed lately, thank the Lord. And (get ready to be jealous), at night she sleeps between 5-6 hours without waking up, usually between 2:30 am and 8:00 am. We are so proud of her and her little accomplishments. Like today, she was having tummy time and she lifted herself up like a little push up, picked up her head and turned it to the other side without any help. It looked like she was struggling a little, but she got through it. We can't be more happy with how she is doing.

Thanks everyone for your prayers and support. Only a few more weeks before she is out all the time in public. Hopefully she'll be ready for all the attention. Tomorrow is her 2 week check-up (wow, 2 weeks old already!!) and we are looking forward to what the Doc will have to say about our little girl. I'll try and keep you posted. Night.....

Charis is already speaking her mind about things

Time for yet another nap

"Hmmmm, what should I do next... poop, eat, or sleep?"

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