Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Musings on Being an Uncle

So, if you haven't heard yet, I am getting either a neice or a nephew from my brother and sister in law (that's Jordan and Crystal ( if you are a little slow today). I wonder if it's going to be harder being an uncle or a dad. I think the uncle is the cool person in a child's life. They take them to baseball games and slip them money and candy when parent's aren't looking. It's expected of them to be fun and cool. That's a lot to live up to. What if I'm not cool? What if I don't have candy or my cell phone is out of minutes when they ask? Can I ever recover from something like that? I'll just have to wait and see. I'll take being just a regular dad over the pressure of being an uncle any day. But I think I will still enjoy both.

In other news, I am really excited about Oasis tonight. It's been a busy day, but I'm pumped about worshipping God and the music we have for evening is excellent. Grace Unmeasured from sovereign grace is a great song and it expresses the gospel so clearly. Paul is speaking tonight on Discipleship and it should be a good challenge from God's word.

I'll leave you with a great quote from Charles Bridges, The Christian Ministry:

"In directing the ignorant in the way of heaven- in awakening the careless and insensible- in subduing the rebellious- in dealing with the entanglements of tempted consciences- how inefficient would be all the force of philosophical or historical illustration! One simple declaration of the Gospel, on the other hand, would, with the Lord's blessing, remove darkness, melt away stubbornness, and bring in all the consolation of heavenly light and peace."

Charles Bridges is a stud.


graceling said...

Josh- you hit the nail on the head. Charles Bridges is a such a stud.

graceling said...

Also, I think you will be a great uncle. You do well with Abigail:)

Unknown said...

you should blog more man...i check it literally, grammatically, and historically, everyday