Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Idol of Harry Potter

My plans for last night were great. I was going to hang out at the in-laws for a bit before heading off to see the Harry Potter film at the midnight showing. We arrived there 1:30 early and were already way back in the line. However, as God would have it, we were the first ones into our particular theater. After we got in we began the arduous process of waiting that last hour in our seats. It went by reasonably fast, with good conversation and a deck of cards to pass the time. However, when it was after midnight with no movie, we began to get a little antsy.

But, as expected, the movie started... then it stopped. A minute into the second movie trailer, the picture died and the lights came up. We proceeded to sit there, wondering what was going on, for the next 40 minutes. At about 12:45 am, the manager came in and told us that there was a problem (duh), and it should be resolved in the next 15 minutes. By then we were considering leaving, but we figured that 15 minutes wasn't that bad considering we had been there for almost 3 hrs already.

Well, the 15 minutes came and went. At around 1:10am, they said they were going to give it another try. The preview came back on with the picture split neatly in two horizontally. 10 seconds into that, the manager stopped the film and told us that the show would be cancelled. She said that they would sign our stubs so we could come back and see it some other time.

As all of this sunk in, I was amazed at the responses of people around me, even believers. Most of the people in the theater were visibly upset, yelling at the manager, complaining loudly to other movie-goers. I have to admit, I was frustrated, but it was only a movie. Granted, I was anticipating this movie more than others I had wanted to see, but was it worth getting so upset over?

C.J. Mahaney in his message from New Attitude told us that we can tell if something is an idol based on how we react if we don't receive it or if it is taken away. Let me tell you, many idolaters, including myself, were revealed because of our reaction when this movie was taken away from. It is amazing what God chooses to use to reveal areas of sin to us. Harry Potter mania is a great distraction from so many other good things. It has its place and I am still looking forward to seeing the movie (hopefully) tonight and reading book 7 later this month, but I can't place so much emphasis on it that it causes me to worry or get angry.

I hope the rest of you out there who stayed up late enjoyed the show, just remember that an idol can be a great thing God has given us to enjoy, but is wanted too much. Don't be satisfied with movies and books. They only last so long.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

That's too bad to hear about everyone's reactions. You make a good point about made me think what my reaction would have been if the same thing happened to us...

In any case, the movie is moves at break neck speed and leaves a lot of things from the book out, but what it DOES show is done VERY WELL. So, recognizing the difference between written and visual genres, the movie is GREAT! It's the best one yet!

Enjoy tonight! (They should let you to the front of the line for what

Moriah said...

Yeah, I was the one with the bad attitude. It is sad how wrapped up in Harry I have gotton. Maybe God made the film not work just to get my heart in check...

Anonymous said...

So how was it? Did you guys like it??? We need a follow up post here! :)