Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Behind a Frowning Providence, God Hides a Smiling Face

I am in the midst of preparing a few lessons on the book of Ruth. As I read through this great story, I feel overwhelmed with trust in God's sovereignty. Knowing the end of the book, I can trace God's hand as it moves Ruth and Naomi through dark storms into the bright sunlight of His grace. I don't understand how people can read Ruth and not see God's hand each step of the way. To deny God's sovereignty over dark providences empowers created beings over the Creator.

As I study, the teaching of Dr. Art Azurdia have been very helpful. http://www.spiritempoweredpreaching.com/sermons.htm

His insights on God's providence and the ultimate hero of the book of Ruth (Christ) have been very refreshing to hear. The more I read of the scriptures, the more I see that they are all about Christ. Here is a quote from Azurdia about looking backwards to truly see clearly looking forwards. Regarding Ruth he says:

"At times beloved, the only way to interpret God's providence for your life is to begin at the end of the story... We know how this story ends. We know, going in, the glorious intention of God: Boaz will become a redeemer for Ruth. Ruth and Boaz will supply a redeemer for Naomi. The covenant nation will be given her greatest king and a nearly extinct family in Israel will be continued to ultimately issue forth the Savior of the human race, Jesus Christ."

Each step of the story is a piece of the puzzle of the revelation of Christ.

On a personal note, God is treating us well, much better than we deserve. Charis is growing like a weed and is a joy to see. Her smile chases away the most stressful of days. We had a great Mother's Day. I'm glad we can set aside time to honor our mothers, but it just doesn't seem like enough sometimes. It has been great to live with a mom and see her grow in that capacity. Moriah is great and I couldn't ask for more of her. She constantly amazes me.

Anyhoo, that's it for now.

1 comment:

Moriah said...

I am amazed at Ruth's character. She is an "unbeliever" that has the faith to trust in a God she does not know to provide for her. Ruth is such a godly woman.

Josh, it is such a joy to be your wife and a mother to Charis. I love my "job."