Monday, October 16, 2006

No Poops (and GO BEARS!!!)

Well, we think our baby is a little constipated. She hasn't pooped since the huge explosion of a few days ago. Perhaps she is embarrased. We'll give her tonight before we get worried about it. Otherwise, she is doing great. She is starting to make fun little noises when we change her and she is getting really good at tracking things with her eyes. She recognizes us both now, and it is a really neat feeling to see her staring at me.

As far as Moriah and I go, we are still doing well. We are anxiously awaiting the sale of our house. We have been praying about it a lot and know that God will always faithfully provide for us. Now is not the typical time for buying and selling homes, but we know God can do whatever He wants and that now, more than any time of the year, He would recieve the glory for doing this. There are job possibilities out there for me and Moriah is starting her nannying job tomorrow. We are hoping to get something else for her so she can stay at home with Charis, but for now God has provided this, and we are thankful.

On another note, who saw the amazing comeback by the undefeated Chicago Bears? Now, I know what you are saying... the Bears had no right to win the game, but you know what? They still won. Their defense decided to turn it on and won the game for them. That's what championship calaber teams do. They win no matter what it takes or how messy it looks. I enjoyed the anxiety of seeing the comeback. Let's hope it ends in another Super Bowl victory for Chicago.

I still can't believe how small and cozy she is!

She's finally getting the thigh roll pudge

Mmmm, somebody likes to eat


Anonymous said...

Maybe she pooped so much last time she doesn't have any poop left for a little bit!! Anywayshoo... I miss y'all and can't wait to see you on Thursday! LOVINGS!


P.S. Go BEARS!!!

Anonymous said...

The bears rudely defeated the Seahawks about two weeks ago, and even though I remain loyal to my homies in the midwest, I felt the wrath of Seattlites as they complained loudly of my home team.

Oh. Have mommy drink some prune juice. That should help.

Anonymous said...

My my my... I truely am starting to rally see more of Josh in her than of Moriah. Shehas Joshs structure with Moriah's colors.

You need to make more babies to populate the world with prettiness!

As always, you are in our prayers

Yeah to seeing my TT again soon!!!!!

Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and, from the game last night, I think I became a football fan!

So incredible!!! Bears rock it, they rock it!

graceling said...

You could always do what Abigail and I would do when she would get a bit constipated: yell at the poopies to COME OUT!

That would be my first choice treatment, but if that does not work, I have tried many other things...

As for the Bears, in a land where EVERYONE follows football (like, even ALL the women) I finally had something to say. See, there are good things about Chicago, even if the Hersheyites don't readily admit it. (You can't blame them too much... If I didn't know how wonderful our food was, I don't know sold I would be on calling Chicago "home.")

Go Bears! Go Poop!