Monday, October 30, 2006

Sleeping Through the Night

Well, our little Charis is finally sleeping through the night. She has been sleeping pretty well for around a week now, going up to 7 hours at a time. But two nights ago she slept for over 9 hours without a feeding. She has been doing well ever since. Once she goes down at night she talks herself to sleep and then is out until morning. We've decided to keep her in her basonet for now, but she has almost grown out of it. She's around 23 inches long now and she'll be moving into her crib very soon.

We also had a fun time at Steph Granquist's costume party over the weekend. Charis went as a little pumpkin and got the most votes for the cutest costume (was there any doubt?). We love that she is being adopted by the youth group and that she is comfortable being passed around. She's getting a lot better at being content with other people holding her rather than just Moriah or I. Even in the nursery at church she smiles and sleeps, but doesn't cry. We're kind of waiting for her to jump to the next level and cry for everything, but until then we are very much enjoying her little noises.

We also had our youth bonfire over the weekend. Charis stayed with Jordan and Crystal and only cried at the end 'cause she was hungry. It is so nice to have family around for things like that. The Bonfire went very well and was a good time of bonding for the students. Hopefully that can continue throughout the rest of the year.

I'm off to work, so adios amigos...

All dressed up for the party

The cutest lil' pumpkin ever

Fresh and clean after a bath


graceling said...


I can't wait till I get a turn holding that little girl!

Am I a bad mom for not dressing Abigail up and taking her trick or treating? I mean, I was at work, so I couldn't take her... but I didn't even do a costume for the party at her school. It's like- why bother? But then you see a little cute pumpkin like Charis and you think... well, that's why you bother!

Anyway, see you soon! YEA!

Anonymous said...

MY SMIDGE!! She is adorable! I love my little pumpkin! Well, nice halloween costume guys... nice choice Riah ;) Love you guys!


Anonymous said...

I love the pumpkin! I was a cat for halloween. I had black and green ears, a black collar, and a black tail. It's not as great as a pumpkin though!
Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

She is very adorable. I am glab to hear she is sleeping through the night for you. Jordan and I praying for help selling your house. Hope you have a happy holiday!!!

Anonymous said...

So darn cute!! My little punkin head....

Josh and Riah, I totaly dig your costumes, You are too much fun.

Anonymous said...

I am finally getting a look @ her, since g-ma gave me your blog address. Cute, Cute, Cute! What else can I say about her. Congrats guys. Bye the way perhaps the crying thing is genetic, because Jacob doesn't cry much either. Anywho!

Cousin Bec