Thursday, November 09, 2006

Progress, Poopiness, and Perusing

Progress: There has been so much interest in our house over the past few days. We have a family that is 99% sure they are renting from us as soon as we can move out, another woman who is pretty interested in renting, and another realtor who has investors pretty interested in purchasing. All in all, God is doing great and unexpected things in our lives. He is so good.

Poopiness: Wow! I can't believe how much poop can come out of a little baby. And it's smell takes over the whole house, even when we eat garlic. Oh well. That comes with the territory I guess. At least we know that she is healthy and doing well.

Perusing: We got a chance to look in detail at our new home today. It looks great. It is perfect for our little family. The layout is very spacious and we can't wait to move in next week. We'll be sharing the larger part of the house with the Trott's who are home for few months from Brazil. They are a great couple and it will be tons of fun to live close to them for a while. Later...



Anonymous said...

first off... Smidge is the cutest ever (and I love that it is catching on!!). Secondly... that is nasty. I don't want to see Ris' poop. I've smelt it and seen it but I don't think the rest of the world wants to see it either. I love you all and miss you terribly and can't wait to come visit you in your new house over Thanksgiving! LOVINGS!!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you put her poop on the internet. That's gross. It's hard to believe such gross things come out of a child so cute. But apparently it's true.

Anonymous said...

Ah, poop.

Makes me feel more connected to her already. I mean, you don't really know someone until you've seen their poop, right?

Yea for tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I love it!

All of it!

It makes me all warm and fuzzy know the most intimate time of my little niece's life.

She'll dispise us all one day. But til that day comes, bring on the poop!

Anonymous said...

By the way, she is all Huff in the third picture. I can even see a little of Mr. Huff in her at times.

Matt and Alicia DeWever said...

Matt wants to know if you were smoking something illegal. He refuses to look at your blog from now on (really). He sees no need to extend his experience with poopy diapers to an online one. He's without words! (yeah, right)

I'm cool with it though--it's your reality. Happy parenting!

Matt H said...

I agree wholeheartedly with Matt! You need to do like 10 more non-poop posts before I'll look again!